If you were to show someone who had no prior knowledge of your brand the home page of your website, what do you think that they would say? Are you proud of your website design? Do you think your site needs an upgrade?
If your site was designed a few years ago, there is a good chance that by modern standards it looks quite dated. Confusing headlines, weak images, overly-cluttered navigation, and excessively large logos are just some of the things that can leave people with a bad impression of your brand.
Your site needs a clear vision
In the scramble to get online, many companies hired inexperienced website designers who put together sites that were functional enough for the e-commerce boom but were not very polished. The sites lacked a clear vision and embraced the trends of the day a little too enthusiastically, opting for contemporary design elements even if they did not suit the brand.
An effective website design should have large, readable text, a layout that aligns with a clear grid for consistency, high-resolution photographs (if photographs are used at all) and effective use of white space. These are simple things to achieve but can make all the difference between whether your site looks professional or like it was designed by a student in their spare time.
Knowing what you want to achieve with your website is important. The sooner you work out what your goals are, the easier it is to build the foundation of a great website.
Revamping your website
If you decide that you need to revamp your website, then you should definitely get in touch with a local web design agency.
Web design trends are always changing and what looked great a few years ago may look wrong or ‘cheap’ today. The good news, however, is that the current clean and simple trends are relatively timeless. Invest in something responsive, clean and fast loading today and it will serve you well for many years to come.